Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Baliem Valley Resort Wamena Best Choice Hotel in Indonesia

Baliem Valley Resort Wamena IndonesiaThe Baliem Valley Resort best choice Indonesia hotels is located at 1900 metres in the Jaya Wijaya highlands and offers a bird's eye view of paradise, plus a touch of the beaten path situated in an area of 1600 HA.

The resort has a panorama of the Jaya Wijaya Mountains in the distance.

Guest Rooms of Baliem Valley Resort Wamena Indonesia

Baliem Valley Resort RoomThe Baliem Valley Resort Wamena Indonesia offers 15 luxurious bungalows designed after the traditional Honay style, spacious round houses with thatched roofs, modern bathrooms, picture windows and veranda with spectacular view overlooking the valley below.

The Entirely Facilities of Baliem Valley Resort Wamena Indonesia

Baliem Valley Resort RestaurantThe Baliem Valley Resort Wamena restaurant is ready to serve delicious local fruits and vegetables from the highlands and a selection of tasty meals.

The Baliem Valley Resort offers nature walk through orchid gardens, alpine forests and suspension bamboo bridges.

Baliem Valley Resort:
Desa Sekan Kecamatan Wawelagama Kabupaten Jaya Wijaya Wamena - West Papua Indonesia

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